@Salieri i think, he is searching the filler or dipstick for his auto trans fluid .... not manual gear box. maybe this one.. 3050097257 [Used]Automatic Transmission DAIHATSU Copen LA-L880K - BE FORWARD Auto Parts
automatic Transmission oel change is not so easy.. checking oel : start engine , push brake...change gears manual ..with engine on . check dipstick.. dark oel change, if red oel only fill up to sign on dipsick. i dont know the real oelchange intervalls. maybe userbooklet? change : lower screws on oelpan little bit..complet after most oel had leave. change filter inside and oelpanseal . careful with the nm from the screws after rebuild. you must fill up the new oel through the dipstick filler. check again after refill and after 10 -50 miles. how much oel you need? check how much was the old on. sorry no idea.. think maybe dexon III.