Howdy folks, I just got my new Copen a couple of days ago. Here in Okinawa it's quite wonderful to zoom around with the top down! Cheers!!!
Hello Mr Bean! Okay I admit it, I did have to look on google to see where Okinawa was. Wow, what a place and it's even been google street mapped. Looks a perfect place for Copening around! Welcome to our club Rex.
Still a new Copen user Well, Rex; you nailed it. But you got to wear some sun-protection, I've found out. Cap and more. But temp is perfect and the views are no less than spectacular. Small winding roads in a very hilly jungle forests. It's subtropical so there are ample raindrops. So the top goes up and down. The whole northern part of Okinawa is like this with many breathtaking views over steaming dense jungle. Somewhat reminding of forest images in Avatar. I ordered my Copen Coffee-brown. (that color is not among the choices in the poll). ;-) Mr Bean
I have to ask...If you're the Mr Bean, you're not going to replace the door locks with bolts and padlocks, are you?!
Mr Bean's identity Gosh you DO have a point there. Luckily my Copen, which I call The Bean because it's coffee brown, has 2 wheels also in the front. I think I can do without the padlocks of the real Mr Bean... ;-) I would be glad to give him a tour, though! If he promises NOT to pick his quite bottomless nose. Copen IS small, but my buddy that rides in the car now and then measures 2 m. And he still fits in there! If he just stands beside the car you wouldn't think he could fold to fit in. Summer greetings!