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Warwick gets a Copen

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by copenbuddy, May 7, 2015.

  1. copenbuddy

    copenbuddy Copenworld Newbie

    May 4, 2015
    Hi there,
    my wife is not a car fan by any means, although she loved our VW Beetles we ran for 25 years. Shortly after her 70th she told me she regretted not having a character car and fancied a Figaro or some little car she couldn't identify.

    Five days later we were the proud owners of a 2006 silver Copen.

    She is entranced and I have to say that I get equally as much fun out of it - driving makes me smile again - in fact, driving it home I actually hurt my face grinning !

    We have seen another one in the area but not when we have been out in ours - now named Buddy.

    Paul and Lynne
  2. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Welcome to the wonderful world of Copening, Paul and Lynne - great to see the joy of Copens, spreading across the country :D. Here in Cumbria they are a rare sight but today, driving Neville through Whitehaven top down in the sunshine, I spotted an 09-plate silver beast ahead. I hooted joyously :) as it drew up, the door opening to reveal an elderly lady emerging, walking stick in hand! We exchanged happy comments and I drove on. Brill to see the broad spread of Copenistas, age-wise.

    Enjoy your little bundle of joy - Neville certainly keeps a big smile on my face! :):):)
  3. copenbuddy

    copenbuddy Copenworld Newbie

    May 4, 2015
    Hi Jules,
    thanks for the welcome but age is just a number you know ? and we still try to have lots fun and remain as daft as we ever were.

    I collected our 12 year old grandson on Sunday and he was really taken with the Copen, loving the sound of the turbo. He didn't know it was a convertible and was gobsmacked when I pulled over and lowered the roof.

    Cool granddads rule !
    Paul and Lynne
  4. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    You are so right!! :)

    Our grandson is just 5 but I'm really looking forward to when I can take him out in Neville and watch his face :D; at the moment it's just a car ... reckon Copens are just a little more than that! ;)

    Have funnnnn!!
  5. dsb

    dsb Copenworld Regular

    May 15, 2013
    abingdon oxfordshire
    copen vivid
    my 3 year old niece was entranced when I told her to hold the roof lowering button on my copen - she thought it was fantastic.
  6. creeps

    creeps Copenworld Newbie

    Jan 27, 2015
    Daihatsu Copen

    Hi Paul and Lynne
    Copen's are really fun cars , and it sounds like you are having great fun in yours !!
    I love them , I am hoping to retire this year , and my husband said the Copen will have to go them , no point in having 2 cars - not a chance - would rather stay at work, then lose the smile on my face

    Happy Driving


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