Hi, just got a copen 660cc with 48k, there is a noise coming from around the timing cover . Most of the sites i see state the copen has a timing belt fitted for USA/AUS models, does the european model have a chain, the noise seems to appear after I accelerate and then lift of the gas, which makes me think it is a chain rattle, anyone else any ideas of the cause, advice would be much appreciated .
Hello and welcome, every copen has a timing chain as far as I know. If your engine code is JB-DET, it has a chain. It can be dangerous, if the chain is too lose and skips a tooth, you could bend a valve and risk engine failure. You should get it checked out. Maybe the timing chain needs replacing.
Thank you Salieri, it is the JD-DET I will get it checked, I believe it it very costly to replace the chain, but if needs must it will have to be done Kind Regards
As above. 660 JB-DET has a chain, mine is a little noisy for the first minute when cold so I suspect there is an oil pressure powered hydraulic chain tensioner, the tensioner will most likely have a low friction drive face so losts of opportunity for wear and sticture in various places. Oil flush and change may just fix her up if its just a sticky tensioner. 3K oil changes seem the recommendation for the 660. (Without prejudice, I'm not an expert )
The 660 has a chain that should last the lifetime of the engine. However, if you're in any way doubtful get it looked at / replaced... last thing you want is a broken engine
I have heard of timing chain problems quite often. Saturday I looked at a yaris with a friend for him to buy, it had the Daihatsu K3-VE Engine and only 65k km, still the timing chain was rattling pretty bad, so he did not buy it. Oil changes are very important when maintaining a copen, every 5000km (3000 miles) or half a year for the 660 model. Only use 0W40, 5W40 or 5W30 synthetic oils with ACEA A3/B4 profile.
T hank you Salieri, I will get it flushed out and use the oil suggested, and hope it makes a difference Regards Davydha.