Strangest thing found in your car

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Adam K, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Adam K

    Adam K Copenworld Guru

    Oct 27, 2010
    Worcester, UK
    Nissan Cube Kaizen
    I drove to work with my roof down on Friday. Whilst waiting at traffic lights something flew past the right side of my head & I heard a cracking noise.
    Had a look around, couldn't see anything. I thought I'd just missed being hit by bird poop. But nothing was on the boot. The only thing I could see was a white splat on the wind deflector.
    Today whilst vacuming the car out I found this.
    An egg shell!!:eek:
    At least it didn't hit me in the face.
    Anyone else found anything weird?

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