I met up with some local owners last night. All modded their ride for performance. So much to learn from them.
looking fantastic there - i like the look of yours best really not fond of the orange colour or light blue - reminds me of the porsches that came out in those trim colours....
Unfortunately I only have this shot for now. Hopefully I can share more photos from future meetups. Anyway, they have been invited to Copenworld to share more about their rides.
SG owners, there will be a meet up on Saturday 22nd March at 1pm. The venue is at Tree Lizard, Dempsey. See you guys there! http://www.dempseyhill.com/tenants_treelizard.htm
That shade of red with the whitewalls and hubs really does look good. A very nice Audrey Hepburn 1950's retro look.
wow it is like a candy shop! there are lots of really good ideas here, some completely out there - getting my imagination going. I am off to a wrapping specialist in 2 weeks - exciting!
which ones are you guys referring to? I think the car with red and black stripes is wrapped. So is the matte purple one.