Hi there, I've had my cute wee Copen for 8 months but sadly had to have a new turbo fitted after one month of ownership! The dealer did say that it looked like a very old oil filter in the car. How often should I have the oil or oil/filter changed? I though I'd read that oil change every 3k miles, and oil/filter every 6k miles? Wanted to make sure I have correct info due to the previous cost of replacing the turbo. Thanks in advance. Also, by chance, has anyone had water gathering behind the passenger seat? I have the usual brakelight leak and damp boot, so plan re sealing the brakelight, but wondering why there's water behind the seat. Thanks. Chris
happened to me too - the boot gets wet and by osmosis the water travels via the carpet material into the car and behind the passenger seat. I took to putting a wad of waste paper - computer listings from work behind the seat with a few bricks on top - that caused it to draw the water out over a couple of weeks - but that is reliant on you stopping the water getting in anymore of course.