Hi, Can any one help, out of the blue our roof will not retract. The red light comes on soon as I open the roof latch, and pressing the switch does nothing? The beeps are still there when I close the latch. Has anyone any ideas please. We are in Brisbane Australia having trouble getting any information.
How old is the car battery? Do the windows still go up & down? It's been known for the roof to be erratic with a failing battery.
Thanks Adam for your prompt reply Yes windows are working, Battery is 10 months old. I will go today and get it checked.
Battery is pretty new then. Have a route around the boot. Particularly under the hydraulic pump & around the joints to the hoses & check for a hydraulic leak.
Hi Adam, Just to let you know, after spending time yesterday checking various things This morning I tried the roof again and it worked (hooray). has worked twice since so hopefully all is good,thanks for time in replying we appreciated it very much. John
I have had an instance where the boot seperator was located in it's holder, but hadn't activated the little switch. A quick wiggle & all was well again. Perhaps your problem was similar?
I too have had issues with the roof not going down, put it down to the recent hot spell and the car being in the hot sun all day. once i got it in the shade and waited about 30 mins it worked fine!!!!!!
Yes I did that too so it looks quite like that was the trick, thanks again Also another question please, I want to take off the gear knob to put a new gear cover in, is there any special thing needed to be done to take off gear knob? any help is very appreciated
i had abit of trouble with my roof not going down the other day and i knew it wasnt going down because the little back windows wasnt going down so i put some WD40 on it and that sorted it
around the rubber bit along the side of the rear windows as i think they was just sticky and they wasnt going down so all that happened was the boot opened ready for the roof and it then just stopped so after doing that it sorted the problem