so the garage called today with regard to my whistling problem. basically a piece of spark plug somehow snapped, got sucked through the turbo and is now rattling around inside the engine. not worth the cost to repair it seems - I shall have to ebay the poor thing as a project and see what I can get for it. it was a fantastic first car - i'm sure whatever I have next will be very dull in comparison.
That's exactly what had happened to mine a few weeks ago the local Daihatsu garage took my engine apart and fished the bits out for just over £400. Might be worth a second opinion if the turbo s still in one piece :-(
it's on ebay as a spares or repair - currently bid up to £500 with a week to go. a scrap company initially offered £100 but now £750 after I turned them down - we shall see. just hope whoever wins doesn't think they can fix it for £50 - I've been above board in the description.