Re-tracing the 'Top Gear' Copen-tour

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by JulesAtCumbria, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Back in 2003 the TG team descended on the Lake District to road-test a number of convertibles, the new Daihatsu Copen amongst them. A very youthful-looking May and Hammond were tasked with the job. At the start of the piece they were seen emerging from their tent into a typical Lakeland day of variable weather conditions, some very wet indeed! It was James May who got to try out the yellow Copen BF52 AWZ (wonder where that is now?) and he clearly enjoyed the experience.


    If you've not seen the episode it's here, the road-test being about 14 minutes in:

    Being blessed, as I am, to live not more than 15 minutes from the Buttermere valley where the Top Gear piece was shot, I thought it would be fun to re-trace that road-test in Neville. I was much luckier with the day than the TG team (but then, I could choose!) and earlier this week I awoke to one of those magical Lakeland days - the sun rising in a cloudless sky to reveal snow-covered peaks reflected in shimmering lakes. So, with the frost still crisp on his roof and the heated sets set to 'on', Neville and I set off to re-visit that Lakeland tour of 2003 and see what he made of it.

    Here are a selection of the photos I took as Neville and I thrilled to the joy of the day - frosty to begin with but as the morning warmed up he revealed his true nature, top down (though with Adam's secret button operated to raise the rear windows to help keep the interior a tad warmer!).


    Here is the outward journey....


    Passing Loweswater



    Just dropping into the Buttermere valley


    Neville eyes up the Crummock Water reflections




    Neville overtoppped by snow-covered High Stile

    Hold on for the return journey......
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2014
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  2. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    The return journey....

    We had to do a little sheep-herding to move them off the road before we could turn round and lower the lid for the return journey....



    Neville enjoys the view of Buttermere and Haystacks



    Here, parked by this little church, we have a silver Copen with a green roof!


    Neville relishing the road ahead....




    Neville, catching the rays of the rising sun

    Fortunately the wonder of the landscape in which Neville found himself masks my shortcomings as a photographer! Lucky we are no longer in the days of 36-frame reels of film - I took 96!!
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2014
  3. copencat

    copencat Copenworld Regular

    Jan 14, 2014
    hopefully soon a new grey copen!
    I really enjoyed all the pictures Jules, you do live in the most inspiring place. What a lovely thing to see when I wake up. We should do a copen meet up there as imagine how many pictures we could all take if you took 96!
  4. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Thanks Copencat - you're totally right: it is inspiring! So many people have no idea that there is anywhere like this in England. :)

    Gosh yes - a meet here would be fun but a long way on hard suspension for many UK Copenistas :mad: and the weather is a moveable feast; I remember on my first visit here when I was in the Scouts, the Scoutmaster warned us, "If you can see the fells it's going to rain; if you can't see the fells, it's raining already!" :think: Never forgotten!
  5. ClareL

    ClareL Copenworld Veteran

    Mar 22, 2013
    1.3 2008 Copen
    Great photos, we visited the Lake District on our Copens first proper "road trip" last year and drove some of the same roads, it is an amazing place to really enjoy all the things that make the Copen so great! We should definitely organise a copen meet and all drive in convoy scaring the ramblers and sheep:D
  6. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Wow, Clare, well-scary thought! :eek:

    Yes, great roads for Copening, but I'd love Cumbria County Council to delve into that pot of Government money for fixing potholes and actually .... fix some! :-((
  7. ClareL

    ClareL Copenworld Veteran

    Mar 22, 2013
    1.3 2008 Copen
    The drive up from South Essex was actually much better than we thought it would be, the ride is much better on motorways than on local roads!
  8. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    OO, that's good :D - not quite as tough on bums as I thought! Neville's longest motorway stretch was on his way back to Cumbria from North Wales after he'd waved his previous owner goodbye (definite tears in eyes! :-(( )
  9. alz2605

    alz2605 Copenworld Regular

    Oct 17, 2013
    Daihatsu Copen
    VW Golf TDi
    Amazing photos! Thanks very much for sharing.

    I'd defiantly be up for a Copen meet round Jules' house!

    Do you have enough car parking spaces & bedrooms to put us all up for the night(s)? I'll bring some beers & wines & a selection of cheese :D
  10. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Haha, Alz! :D Time to save up for that Lakeland mansion I'd always promised myself!

    Mind you, we do have shares in the local community pub, so at least the beers (from the local micro-brewery), wines and (possibly) cheeses are sorted ... well, Cumberland sausage anyway! ;)
  11. DaG

    DaG Copenworld Guru

    Jul 11, 2012
    Copen 1.3
    Nice photos, should keep them for the next calendar.
    We never really go anywhere in my Copen because the wife doesn't travel light. Even just for a a weekend away she fills a huge suitcase, various holdalls and bags. We always go away in her car which is currently a renault grand scenic privilege seven seater and is total luxury compared to my copen. :(
    I'd be up for a meet over the lakes or any northern based meet come to that. I'll just leave the wife at home, she won't notice I'm gone.:D
  12. Old Badger

    Old Badger Copenworld Regular

    Jan 24, 2014
    South Croydon
    2004 Copen
    2016 Honda HR-V
    Neville's Lake Adventure

    Jules brilliant idea and brilliant pictures! You're lucky to live in such a beautiful county of England (when it's not raining anyway! :D).
  13. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    :-(( I read this with a tear in my eye, DaG.

    ... or, she could bring the Scenic as a support vehicle.

    .... or, she could upgrade to a Grande Espace and bring the Copen as well ... in the back! :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2014
  14. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Yup, Badger, you've hit the nail on the head :):rolleyes:
  15. scooty

    scooty Copenworld Regular

    Sep 25, 2009
    Cologne, Germany
    2 x Daihatsu Copen, RHD
    1 x Daihatsu Trevis
    That's what I call "understatement", brilliant pics, love them!

  16. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    O Andreas - too much! Your words are much-appreciated. :):)

    Nevertheless, Neville does look a bit good in his big playground. Fingers crossed for a stonking summer - yesterday was smashing pottering around (well, kinda!) with the lid down. :cool:

    Cheers! :D
  17. dunf

    dunf Copenworld Regular

    Oct 21, 2013
    Fife, Scotland
    Really? Jeezo, the Lake District must be less than what 150-200 miles from Central Scotland? And all we got all weekend was solid grey with drizzle and fog...and a big dose of gusty wind thrown in.... :-((

  18. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Not right, is it dunf - still, that's mountains for you; you never know what you're going to get. Much like yourself, we often find the weather's different just two or three valleys away!:think:
  19. copencat

    copencat Copenworld Regular

    Jan 14, 2014
    hopefully soon a new grey copen!
    Yes England is amazing - people just dont believe it because they refuse to see it! After I got married we did a trip up to Liverpool, Blackpool, York, Whitby and Manchester. We had a fantastic time and luckily for us the weather was great!

    yeah it would be a fair old trip but then I want to come see the lake district at some point, and meeting other copens would just be another great incentive.

    I have access to smoked salmon they serve at Caviar House & Prunier which is the restaurant beneath The Ritz, what a party already!

  20. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Spot on Copencat! There are some, as you say, amazing places in England that folks just wouldn't believe were in England ... until they visited them. Your honeymoon tour sounds fantastic - there's a way to get a feel of what old Blighty has to offer. Better than the Costa del Sol (and you even got the Sol!). :):cool:
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2014

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