So the problem started this winter, found I was getting condensation inside the car a lot on the windows and occasionally water getting in through the roof catches. I had the problem where the red light stays on on the dash, but occasionally would go out if I went over a bump in the road say. Now it's summer I've pulled back the carpet in the boot to find a puddle of water, I've dried everything up and left the roof control pcb in the hot sun for a few days but have no movement on the roof side of the things, and because the red light is on it now won't allow me to shut my boot :/ I've checked all the fuses and cleaned up all the plugs I can see, the roof catches seem to be working as normal due to the fact I get the beep still when either of them is released. I've also tried disconnecting the battery a few times for five mins or so but made no difference :/ anyone got anything else I can try ? Thanks Matt
Sorry no one has replied to your question but there are a lot of fixes already posted for roof/boot problems. I put a recent one on about fault codes and how to reset the ECU. That may help? Just scroll through and look for perhaps the lastest posts.