Origin of 2004 0.7 Copen

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ALAN., Jun 23, 2019.

  1. ALAN.

    ALAN. Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 10, 2019
    daihatsu copen 0.7
    I have a pearlescent white 0.7 Copen. I have been told that Diahatsu did not import a pearlescent white car and that this car must have been a special order exhibited at the Birmingham Motor Show 2003/4.
    Has anyone got any information about this?
  2. Attack chihuahua

    Attack chihuahua Copenworld Newbie

    Mar 22, 2017
    One off daihatsu copen
    2013 Vw beetle
    Hi Alan

    I do believe that Daihatsu did sell some pearlescent white with red leather in this country, not many though.

    I have a pearl white with white leather that was made for the Sunday times motor show back in 2003/2004 for the show stand. As far as I know it’s the only one that ever got made in this colour combination for this country so it’s very rare, in fact I can’t even find one in Japan that’s got this combination!!!!

    Look after it as it’s a rare car in pearl white.

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