I bit the bullet today and cracked on with servicing the Copen. The bank holiday weather struck first thing, so I lashed up a cover to keep me dry I then discovered a few things that may help others to change the oil filter. 1) Do not even attempt to change the filter without the special tool, it just can't be done. 2) have small hands, or get a child to put the tool in place and for removal and installation of the filter. 3) make sure the filter is the 55mm deep one otherwise you'll never get the new filter on. I also found a helpful image on the oil filter box which shows how to get the filter on and through the space I hope the next 3k miles don't go too quick!!
Hi, can you tell me where you got the filter and tool from as my car is due a filter change soon. My OH was going to do it for me, but it looks like it may be me as I have small hands! Thanks Liz
From memory, it's a 65mm (possibly 68mm) 14 flute oil filter wrench / socket. I got one like this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/FILTER-WREN...&qid=1432549836&sr=8-1&keywords=65mm+14+flute - and it works perfectly.
I did mine the other week using a 65-67 filter socket. I brought a full set of the filter sockets off eBay for $40 so I couldn't go wrong
I can vouch for the fact you DON'T need the filter removal tool.. Provided it's not been tightened up by a Spartan warrior in the past, if your hands are small enough to reach through the mount and get a reasonably firm grip on the filter (sandpaper cupped in your hand may help) you should be able to twist it off. Oil filters do not need to be done up tight enough that you need a tool to get them off. Don't get me wrong, its a bit awkward, hot and messy to change it but once you've done it you'll be able to do it again in no time. Just make sure that it's not done up so tight that you can't tighten it no more, as that's too tight!
I've actually got a set of oil filter cups. I used a 68mm 14 flute cup to get the oil filter off. My set was under £20 from amazon. I did try it without the tool, but I couldn't get it to budge. It took minimal effort to losen it with the tool, and when you can pick the right cup up for a few quid, it's a no brainier for me. The hardest part was getting the new one and I done that by hand.
Hi See post #10 here regarding service parts: https://www.copenworld.com/vb3/showthread.php?t=1459&highlight=service+parts KS
ive never used a tool to get the oil filter off, if its a bit stuck a leather belt cracks it off, but I have none of that nasty black plastic front slam panel, air box or intercooler in the way