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Odd cars

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Oldishbob, Jan 24, 2020.

  1. Oldishbob

    Oldishbob Copenworld Newbie

    Jan 9, 2020
    BMW - Audi
    hi , I've recently joined Copenworld as we are looking for a 1.3 Copen to replace our mg midget as a weekend car, my wife carnt manage the midget due to heavy non power steering . We've had lots off odd cars in the past , trabant , kit cars various , camaro v8 , lots of minis and mx5s . But now really want a Copen !
  2. Bruce3927

    Bruce3927 Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 20, 2018
    08 reg 1.3 Copen
    You will feel a lot of the midget in the copen. I had a 1500 midget and when my wife got her copen it felt very familiar, how the midget should/could have been if they continued to develop it.
    Oldishbob likes this.
  3. Surfmod

    Surfmod Copenworld Member

    Jan 31, 2017
    Copen 659 turbo
    I had three midgets before I got my copen - of all the cars I’ve driven it’s the most comparable and as much fun as driving the MG. It also has the advantages of the power roof (as opposed to the constant leaking and consequent wet legs in the Midget) and so much less time on the hard shoulder! I still love MGs but the Copen has improved my quality of life (and wallet) immensely- enjoy!
    Bruce3927 and Oldishbob like this.

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