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Newby 1.3 copen

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Cornish Copen, Sep 21, 2018.

  1. Cornish Copen

    Cornish Copen Copenworld Newbie

    Sep 14, 2018
    Copen 1.3
    Honda CRV
    Honda Jazz
    Bought a 58 1.3 red copen a few weeks ago. Had a Sirion for 13 years before that. Was a bit of a quick purchase, wasn't really looking for one! Anyway, it is in the garage for now and I will find some time to have a good look over it. Forums have been great help with alarm (Cobra 7777 fob) as have the Cobra helpline 01254 266093.
    Quick edit to this post. 1 key fob was not working. I replaced the battery but got a continuous red light when both buttons held down. Cobra were going to send a reset code. However, further call to cobra today, after code not arrived, resulted in the technician suggesting I wipe the terminals of the fob with white spirit to remove any calcium build up. Anyway, no white spirit to hand I just scratched the terminals with a knife, put the battery back and bingo, flashing light when both buttons held down. re synced to alarm a treat. Happy days!
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2018
  2. Anji

    Anji Copenworld Member

    Aug 17, 2018
    2006 660 Copen/Ford Grand CMax
    Hello and welcome
  3. NigelP

    NigelP Copenworld Newbie

    Aug 13, 2018
    South Lincolnshire
    08 Copen 1.3
    Welcome. I have owned my 1.3 Copen for a few months now and have found this a very useful and informative website. Hope you enjoy driving your new purchase.

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