Orite there, I did post on here yesterday but being a newbie I probably got it wrong, anyway just got hold of a 57 plate Copen for the wife as a surprise xmas prezzy as she's always liked em and thankfully she didn't kick me teeth in for springing the surprise on her. So with that we hope to pick up some good info and if we can share any we will, cheers.
Welcome to Copenworld Sparky! Your wife is so lucky. What a way to start the New Year . Time for some roof down wind in the hair winter motoring fun!
Cheers Old Badger and ClareL thanks for the welcome , well we would go for a winter spin if the weathers gives over but unfortunately numbnuts here (why me) forgot about the bag in the boot and whilst showing the wife her new top down car jammed the roof in the boot and now it's stuck down so I've got me work cut out tomorrow trying to fix it I'm just glad I got a waterproof cover for it coz it tipped it down with the white stuff last night, I've got the manual and read a few threads on here so hopefully after I've reset the ECU I might just get somewhere well at least in the wife's good books after wrecking her surprise, roll on Spring and Summer that's what I say .
Ah, the old bag in the boot trick! I did that also. There are two wire loops in your toolkit which you can use to release the jammed roof but they won't work if the errrr the roof is jammed on something. What I did in the manner of keyhole surgery was to get into the bag and pull out the contents one by one. Fortunately they were books so they slid out fairly easily once I had got a pair of mole grips on the first one. Eventually the roof breathed a sigh of relief the tension relaxed and I knew all would be well and it was. So, what's in the bag?
Believe it or not it was a dessicant bag which I put in to help with the boot moisture which I had read up about, luckily for us I was able to get my hand in and cut the bag and remove it but I can see the problem but no idea how to get at it to release it, it looks like the mechanism that locks onto the boot spigot has over shot it so instead of getting hold of the spigot and locking into it it has gone underneath the spigot so the mechanism is obviously under pressure now and the boot won't raise enough to try and get hold of the release mechanism, one things for sure I won't forget to check the boot before I press the button :-((
It was a dessicant bag to try and keep the moisture at bay but when the rear window retracted into the boot it literally compacted the bag and the only way to remove it was squeeze my hand into the boot and cut it with a knife to release the dessicant, I managed to remove the bag but the damage was done I'm afraid and the lesson that was learnt was check the boot first before pressing the roof button.
Some how the bottom clasp on the passenger side that you would pull on with the emergency tool had not caught the arm and gone past where it should. This was making the whole hinge/scissor assembly very angry and twisted. This was putting so much tension on the side latch on the passenger side that it would not release with the blue toggle. By over riding the side latch mechanism it let go, and then I could gently get the lid open, then pull the lower clasps into the correct stage. Then I could close it all up properly, and then close the roof via the button. Not seen one jammed up rock solid like this before, so far they are just non working roofs that have come my way, but I like a challenge.
It was a challenge for me as well but looking at it now it was never going to be a happy outcome without yer box of tricks to hand.