Newbie here...!!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by James001, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. James001

    James001 Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 13, 2013
    Hello Everyone..

    James from Toronto.

    I'm new to this community so here is my intro. Guys I'm 22 years old and now part time working on a garage. Few days before a man come with Daihatsu Copen on our garage and its was awesome.. I see that ride first time on that day and just mad for that cool car. That is the reason why I join this community to get some information about that ride. I hope it will a good experience to stay with you guys.. Thanks
  2. ClareL

    ClareL Copenworld Veteran

    Mar 22, 2013
    1.3 2008 Copen
    Hi James,
    Welcome to Copenworld. They really are great cars. Did you get to drive it at all? That is the most fun part :D
  3. Adam K

    Adam K Copenworld Guru

    Oct 27, 2010
    Worcester, UK
    Nissan Cube Kaizen
    Hi James001, Welcome to Copenworld.
    You must be lucky to have seen one in Canada. Can't be many around.

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