Got a brand new windscreen fitted yesterday. Looks much better than the old scratched n chipped one. If anyone is interested in how to remove the scuttle strip at the bottom of the windscreen, it unscrews from the engine bay then is held on by 5 hidden plastic pop clips. Plastic trim fork is the tool of choice for these, inserted from the windscreen side.
Yeah there's loads of scratches on the inside of our windscreen. I just assumed the last Lady owners diamond rings kept scrapping against it as she was cleaning the dashboard
I just replaced mine about 2 weeks ago, the exterior sand blasted effect was not safe for good vision on rainy nights or into setting sun. Removing the windscreen wipers then the scuttle strip was reasonably easy, gave it a good clean out while off. Here in AUS I paid $215 for the windscreen supplied & fitted, they came to me and did it in my garage. Took about an hour.