There are some new Copen styles being shown at the Tokyo Auto Salon. I quite like this one but for more check out this Top Gear link. be absolutely honest Clare I still don't think there's any way they can improve on the original. It's such a classic, clean, cute retro shape. All the new ones have that modern, "bloated" gangstery-look which I don't like at all. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned! OB.
I agree OB you can't match the original classic styling but I prefer the first picture to the Copen's currently available
The Red one looks good at first glance but it doesn't have a foldy roof. The other fixed roof one (below) is better if it has to be a fixed roof, but I'll stick to my proper Copen for now
Now this I like the look of but then I'd have a different car for every day of the month given half a chance
Looks like a Tonka toy! Have you noticed that car design seems to be imitating the toys of the 70s? Maybe all the young car designers are remembering the little cars they played with as children and bringing them to life! Every little boy's fantasy!
I know, I don't think they will ever make one to match the original. I'd be happy if they just started making the old car again (maybe with more rust proofing). That would be worth importing