Hi Everyone, One more addition to the club. It is great to be part of Copenworld. I will have lots of information required, in future. This car has done only done 51000Kms and everything is working. The only irritant is the seat belts getting pinched at the guides on the seat. I had cleaned up all the rubber sealing of the car this week end. Next week end plan is a long trip from Johannesburg to north of Kruger National Park area (near Punda Maria gate). I have a Lexus 250 iS and a Datsun Bluebird pick up 1200 cc. Bye for now, hope to have lots of miles with you in future. Thomas A
Hi ThomasA, Welcome to Copenworld, The seat belt issue is a common problem. Here's something I tried, which helped a little bit. https://www.copenworld.com/vb3/showthread.php?t=627&highlight=seat+belt
Seat belt issue & tyres Thanks welcoming me and for seat belt suggestion I will try and give a feedback. I like to get extra ground clearance from Copen. Is it wise to use 175/50 R15 tyre size or better Is their a easy way by different tyre size without making issues in performance and damaging the car. Regards TA
Hi Thomas, might this here (click me) help for a start? From the measures listed there you should also be able to calculate ground clearance. Andreas
I was reading your seatbelt thread the other night Adam and meant to ask you. Is the plastic rub strip a special type of plastic or would an iPod screen protector type of sticky back plastic do a similar job? The seatbelts on the Copen are starting to do my head in as I sit with the seat right back and tilted. I've had to take them out of the guide, but now I'm getting marks on the seat where they are rubbing the leather away. I've started looking for alternative guides and because I have access to a cnc laser cutter plus stainless steel bar and sheet I'm looking at making new guides. I'll have to have a look through your pictures and see if there's a good one of your guides and then shamelessly copy them. Forgot to add. Hi there ThomasA, welcome to the forum.
Extra ground clearance & sump protection Hi Scooty & Adam thanks a lot for your info. The front tow eye has touched the ground two times as I was coming out from main road. I just fitted four new 165/50 R15 73V tyres. After going through the tyre chart I feel I should have gone for 175/50 R15, next time may be. Is there any sump guard available in the market ? Is it used by Copen owners to avoid disasters? ThomasA
D Sport offer this item: http://www.dsport-web.com/copen/25_b.html Although I don't think it's thick enough to be a sump guard. It's more for Copen racing. If your really worried about it, I think you'd have to get one custom made.
Under-guard for Copen Thanks, This looks good enough, I want some protection while passing speed bumps and stones on gravel roads. How can one order this, my Japanese is bad ? May be I should try local talent in Johannesburg first. Feedback on seat belts problem, The belts on my car are clean but was pinched badly by earlier user/s. I checked and removed the twists from bottom anchor bolts. The belt on the driver side behaves better, but slow in retracting. I will use silicone spray on the belt and see if that can help move faster when belt is released after use. ThomasA