It's like any 1.3 engined car, infact with the power to weight ratio it's probably the equivilant of a 1.6. The revs at 70 are around 3.5k so it isn't being stressed though the engine does sound as though it could do with a sixth gear. The biggest problem is the hard ride when travelling any distance but that's another story.
That's what I figured. The ride I'm not overly worried about - driven 4x4s for far too long, so I've lost all sensation in my ass. Ohh matron :-D
I do about 60 miles/day motorway commute in my 1.3 and its no problem. Soon learn where the potholes are and avoid them. Noisey with roof down but just turn stereo up.
No issue We have done several long jouneys in our copen,some of them in a group that like to get a move on and the 1.3 keeps up easily
I find it gets up to 70 with little effort and no noticeable strain. Get 16 inch rims and tyres to give a slightly bigger circumference and it will drop the revs a bit