It's been a long time since I've been on here. Here's my problem: Yesterday I had the car serviced, plugs(NGK BKR6EY-11), oil filter and Shell HX7 oil. After driving for 2 minutes, I noticed that the MIL flashes but the car still drives smoothly and the power is still there. Please help Thanks in advance
spark plug lead loose? A MIL light could be 101 things. Most help would be guesses besides knowing what common faults it might be. But that might be expensive going through those if you are buying new sensor etc. Just get an OBD reader and find out for certain. As its come on I think the error will still be saved in the memory so you could find it out even if the light isn't on at the time
So I got the following error codes; B2591 Roof ecu low voltage (this had exclamation mark next to it) B2592 Centre latch B2554 Roof, luggage Position information error Anyone know what I can do to fix it?
A flashing MIL is usually an indication of something serious like a misfire. None engine damaging errors should just bring the light on but not flashing. Have you tried removing the codes using the code reader you have bought? Then see if they come back. I wonder with the low voltage code you have if the battery could be the problem. The Copen has a small battery which has to cope with a lot. If the battery is old I would replace it (they aren't expensive) reset the codes and then see what happens. Does your roof open and close ok?
if you are having trouble with the roof opening/closing, then make sure you have removed all bags of sand from the boot. This is a known problem with Copens
Thay removed the codes at Daihatsu/GWM. It went off for 1km and then came back on. I also have a feeling it's the battery that's on its way out. The roof opens and closes perfectly. I'll replace the battery and see if it goes away More like the lady's shoes Thank you for the feedback my fellow Copen owners I really appreciate it
I knew I should have lied about how I got my roof stuck that time. I should have blamed it on some random unknown fault instead of fessing up about that bag of sand.
Did you have to pay to have them clear the codes? As I wonder if you will need it again unless it clears when battery is changed (if its that)
I got it done free of charge because my dad's in the motor trade and he does favours for them as well. They will definitely charge me when I go again.
I thought you'd bought a code reader, didn't realise you'd had the codes cleared at a garage. You should maybe think about buying an obd code reader which can be used with a lot of different cars. I've got the one in the link below Which works with the Copen as well as most other makes and models. It's easy to use just plug it in, turn on the ignition and press a button. You get a book with the codes in or look them up on the net. I've used it on a few cars, well worth having for under a tenner.
Yep it does help to read them and I did. Post 3 he says he's going to order a code reader, post 4 he tells us what the codes are. No mention of a garage (that came later post 8) that's why I said he should clear the codes with his code reader, post 5. Maybe you should read the messages.
No need for cock photos please @DaG. I have ordered one already but it will only be here by mid November. The codes I got were from Daihatsu's reader. Thank you for the information on the code reader. Hoping to get the battery today and clear the codes to see if it fixes the problem. Will keep you guys updated.
Mid November, is there no eBay in SA? What TAF said about the knob photos can be found on this thread. It's worth a read with the offending knobs on Post 24. It all started on this thread with Trustafox not liking another members sticker, but somehow I got the blame for his critique. Always was a troublemaker that Fox fellow.
We have an eBay SA but the stock is limited. Thats why I use Geo-ship, so that I can source what I'm looking for from all over. The only drawback is that it takes long to get to us. Anything between 2 weeks and 2 months. I want a fuel flap sticker like that carbon design one