Gaday Just joined your group with my first purchase of one these little marvels. Seen one on youtube and tracked down one for sale, took it for a teat drive with the son in-law , we both came back with the largest Cheshire cat grins you have ever seen. I was hoocked (the son in-law was terrified) Bought it in Sydney and drove back to Tasmania (890 k's to Melbourne and the ferry overnight) I'm planning to go back shortly and look for my spine, thats after my Glutas Maxius recovers and my right leg starts working normally. I would have given the labour of my first born for cruise control! I loved every minute of it.Now I have to go through the ritual of changing over the registration to this state and sorting out a few oil leaks, one I suspect is from the oil filter. One quarie I have is "Where is the engine number?" l managed to get a PDF version of the manual and it shows same near the engine type (JB) but it ain't there, nor is one stampeded on the compliance plate. Very strange. Thats it for now, looking forward to lot's of fun in the future. Motofossil