Hi , new to forum and looking for my first copen ! On a tight budget (hubby has lock on his wallet) so earlier model 2003/2004 seems to be around my price range. No high mileage cars please but small defects or repairs not objected to as my better half is a mechanic. Also service history or lack of not a problem , We are in staffordshire so closer the better but willing to travel for right car , so if any of you lovely owners are looking to sell or know of someone please drop us a line ... Thank you
copen for sale Hi my one is on ebay at the moment see http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181778070130?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649
Got one.. Lensmender thanks for the link, we did see it on ebay and I do like the colour but it was just to far to travel sorry ! I have now managed to purchase one more local with 66000 miles ,red leather and in silver... Collecting today so will post pics up soon, Hubby got to go through it and service it before I have it :-((