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lets get together......

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by alistair from stirling, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. alistair from stirling

    alistair from stirling Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 25, 2017
    03 copen turbo, 08 copen 1300
    would anyone in my area, stirling Falkirk , alloa or wherever like to meet up? can I suggest the 1314 inn at the battle of bannockburn battle site? its got a 30 car park and a lounge bar that overlooks it and some nice countryside to boot.
    maybe a sunday about lunch? I'm slowly finding out theres more copens in my area than I initially thought(no surprise there) so I hope your reading this.
    off topic, ive just bought my 3rd copen, a gift when its done up, for my son. going to totally trick it up my mek is going to give it a once over tomorrow and then I will start the butchers bill!!
    Brad likes this.

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