Just seen these come up on eBay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LED-JDM-D...arts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item5aeb6b327d Not seen them before. Pricey but nice. Although I think I still prefer the Ultimate Edition versions (you still using them Ken?).
Hi Adam, Unfortunately Yes. It's amazing the difference they make to the appearance. There is a new set of the Ultimate Rear Lights on eBay but they are even more expensive than the LED's? Ken.
The market for the Copen is getting bigger and bigger...: How 'bout them: http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d134202745 http://page12.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/p305425526 http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h167375606 http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k153708122 http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n111773315 http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h166441889 ...they're all LED-style... The last one would be great, the ones you guys mentioned are looking a bit too much BMW-like to me. Are those lights (from your ebay-Link) legal in the UK? Here in Germany they are not legal as they don't have an "E"-approval (I guess).
I read a while ago that you aren't allowed to fit led lights as an after market accessory in the UK. If the car wasn't made with led lights you can't fit them afterwards yourself and stay legal. *Edit* Thinking about it I might not have read it, it was a pub conversation. So might be complete b****cks.
That last one does look nice. Shiney. I'm going to stick with lusting after the none LED ultimate edition versions still.
I like those too, esp. because my Copen is silver! And of course the grille must be changed too as well as the BBS alloys and the clear 3rd brakelight! Here you are: Everything "coloured" in silver/clear looks nice IMO even though I'm very into originality!
ive just gone and bought myself the clear center rear light for my red copen brand new from japan with LED's in it... i think it will look really nice and mainly for the purpose of the leaky brake like issue copens have when they get to this kinda age as it comes with a brand new gasket seal like the original so im happy for both reasons
yeah it was but i didnt want to do the DIY job on it as i know it would bug me big time plus i think the little copens deserve better then a bodge job bathroom sealant job over the proper gasket seal with new clear led light because your worth it..... copen LOL
I've ordered a set of Ultimate Edition rear lights from my contact in Japan, bought off Yahoo auctions. Even with import costs I'm hoping to be sub £200 by the time they arrive. I was close to buying a set of LED lights.