It's been down since Friday. There has ben trouble in the past I prefer Copenworld as a Copen club forum, but it's a loss of a great source of information. Lets hope that whoever is running it, wakes up & gets it going again.
Maintenance and outages (Copen Owner Club runs on server #4) seem to cause the problems. There do not seem to be any admins for the forum of Copen Owner Club around any more, eventually I think will close it down anyway. I for my part will concentrate on this fabulous site! Andreas PS: Maybe it's a good idea to include a referal to in our signatures at Copen Owner Club (once it's up again)?
Copen Owners Club seems to have been abandoned by the original owner, which is a real shame. It was the main reason why I started copenworld, although I'm finding it very hard to find time to work on copenworld these days (and to keep paying for it!), so I do sympathise with the founder. I've tried several times to take over the Copen Owners Club forum to keep it going, but I can't get a reply from anyone involved. The site was on the verge of being closed down by the hosting company a few months ago. I contacted them and got them to keep it going (it's paid for by the advertising), but it's anyone's guess as to whether it will stay there indefinitely. I agree it would be a real shame for it to disappear, there's a lot of useful information there.
dwayner Hi there, i wanted to ask you, is getting Copen parts easy in New Zealand ? i wasnt sure if Daihatsu was still a going concern over there. And is the copen still sold there if it is? Ive had a buy a second copen for spares, if spares do become a problem in the future Dwayne
I've only been in NZ for a year, and haven't had a need for any parts just yet. I guess I'll soon discover what parts availability is like when something breaks! Copens haven't been sold here for several years, and there don't seem to be many around. I've seen 2 in Auckland since I got here. My battery was flat the day the Copen arrived here, and the AA man had never seen one before, so they must be fairly rare! There are plenty of Toyota dealers around, so I'm hoping it won't be too much trouble getting parts when I need them. The Copen is overdue for it's service, so I'll be trawling round the dealers soon to see what they're like.