Hi My wife bought a copen a few months ago, and we've started having problems already. I came on here to get some info, and now I have some questions (I'll ask over in the right forum though). Hi everyone Stuart
My husband started off being the husband of a Copen owner but somehow my copen became our copen and now seems to be his copen that he sometimes lets me drive! Welcome to Copenworld, I am sure someone will be able to help with your problems.
I had to smile. The new (to us) copen on the drive is my WIFES car. She drives it to work daily and does other daily driving jobs in it. I have a much newer Ford for my daily driver. BUT at the weekend, when we go out at the weekend for a jaunt its in HER car but with ME driving Her choice (mostly). Please don't shoot me for being chauvinistic, I am not (very). I love HER car, but it is on OUR drive