What's a safe boost level to run in a copen then? I've fitted my air/fuel ratio gauge and it's showing that at 0.7 bar of boost (actuator pressure) the copen it running 10.0 afr which is rich as hell! I've upped the boost to 0.9bar and it's still running 10.1 afr!! At what boost will it actually run properly and in the range of 11-12afr?
Hi. I think the reason you are running so rich is because your car may have a FCD unit mapped into it to fool the fuel system. Look near the ECU somewhere and you should see it. I brought the same one and its adjustable to how much fuel it dumps in your engine.
Cheers I'll have a look. Where about is the ecu? I'm now running 1.1 bar and it still pulling 10s as the afr