We saw a friends nice shiney copen recently and my wife ,Dawn, said she loved the look of it so I was stoked to be able to got here one. A lovely 54 vivid. Now I WAS getting it for her to play with as she doesn't appreciate my 1959 Morris Minor BUT I think it will become a family fun ride for a while to come. Looking forward to joining in the fun on the forum and would love to hear from other Copensters (?) close to Swindon.
Welcome to copenworld, there is loads of information on here to help you with your new car. Our copen was supposed to be my car but my husband seems to have become obsessed with it, one of our neighbours asked if he is having an affair with it as he keeps washing and polishing it. I don't think they have ever seen him wash a car before. I hope you enjoy your "family car" as much as we do ours.
Welcome from me too! I was very kind today and let Nobby take my husband to Milton Keynes today. I don't normally let him out of my sight ( Nobby that is, not my husband)