Hi Yvonne, welcome to Copenworld. Your lucky to have a Copen as your first car. I had a five door Renault 5 1.1 in burgundy with a beige interior. Not a cool car for a 17 year old. That was 19 years ago. Feel old now.
Welcome to copen world. You WILL have fun. Which county are you in, spotting other copens is a good game. rob
My first car was also a Renault 5, a 2 door. It was one of the early 5's and had the push you pull me gear stick sticking out of the dash like an umbrella handle. It leant over a horrible scary angle on bends, the French like that kind of suspension apparantly. It was the first time around L reg which i think was 1973, older than you by my calculation. It had green plastic seats, that you stuck to in summer, was white with a hint of rust just about everywhere, but it was reliable. Oh, and welcome to the forum Yvonne.
Hello Yvonne28 and welcome on this nice site ! My first car was a Citroën 2CV. Thirty years later, I have bought another 2CV, which is 45 years old 425 cc, a small engine compared to the 659 cc of my Copen Hello everybody, and have nice time running your car.
I think Yvonne is just a fly by. One message, not been on in a month. She'll return when asking where she can get a new turbo. Tell her first to put a pillow on the floor under her chin.
I don't get fly bys. If you're not going to join in the fun and games, why bother registering in the first place?
nosey, curious? but where are the fun and games? point me to them if the fun is in the NE in a big sand pit then i'm packing my bucket and spade
I mean the simple pleasure we all get from the occasional "look at my shiny knob!" or "how do I fix my doodah?" Or "I've just seen a green one!" conversations.....