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Hello from British Columbia, Canada

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by David Aiken, Jan 24, 2019.

  1. David Aiken

    David Aiken Copenworld Newbie

    Jan 24, 2019
    Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
    Diahatsu Copen

    So happy to have found this resource. I just took delivery of a 2003 Copen from Nagoya, Japan. Had it shipped over to Vancouver and got it insured and on the road yesterday.

    I'm having some issues with the roof warning lamp staying on when the roof is closed, so that's one gremlin that needs to be sorted out and the roof operation is slower than some of the video's I've seen on line... Seems like when the car warms up a bit it runs a little more smoothly...

    Sure is fun to drive though!

    Hope to get all of the issues sorted out soon and just be able to enjoy the ride!


    David Aiken
  2. Salieri

    Salieri Copenworld Veteran

    Jun 19, 2012
    Used to have a White Copen, but I sold it in 2023
    Hi and welcome

    I guess its very cold in canada at the moment, thats why the pump might be a bit slower.
    As for the light staying on, do you also get a beep sound when driving?
  3. GoesInSnow

    GoesInSnow Copenworld Newbie

    Apr 4, 2023
    B.C. Canada
    Toyota Tacoma
    Hope you got it all sorted.
    Did you have any issues importing your to Canada?
    I'm thinking of getting one. I'm in Rossland BC

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