In process of purchasing a Green Copen, can't wait for next week till we collect it. Told hubby would be replacing my Figaro but can't part with it so now have two cute green cars Couldn't think of a user name, hubby came up with 2jags, do you think he was being sarcastic The forum has been helpful and looking forward to posting more once driving Al
Hi 2jags. I've liked the Figaro for a long time now and looked into buying one a few years ago. I think the retro style interior looks great and the cars are already classics. I don't blame you for not selling it.
Me too. It was the car I wanted until I came across the Copen. I'd imagine most Copen fans would also love the Figaro. They have a similar charm.
I also had a figaro then moved on to the Copen ,my figaro was called Mr Lawrence, it was a very sad day when we parted company.
Hello 2jags I've only just joined Copenworld and am hopefully going to look at buying one next weekend - can't wait!!! Like you I also love the Figaro and am so jealous you have one of these too - I just love small cute cars! Let's hope we get a better summer than last year
I am so looking forward to picking up the Copen on Saturday, even got my daughter to let me practise driving a manual (fig automatic)! Hubby seems to think he gets to drive it too- suppose I can't drive both cars at once- decisions I'll have to make eh!!
I'm going to stay with my mum this week and I'm taking the Toyota. First thing hubby said was "can I have the Copen?"
Al's home Finally got my copen home, what can I say, just love it, you were all right, great fun to drive (when u remember its not an automatic, change gear!) Looking forward to driving with the roof down. Hope to get a photo on here soon.