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Hello all! (Any advice?)

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by bluesky, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. bluesky

    bluesky Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 9, 2010
    Hello all,

    I'm not quite yet a Copen owner, but hopefully will be soon.

    I fell in love with them about a year ago after driving past one. It took me a further month to work out what they bloomin' were!

    Since then I've read loads about them, drooled over photos, bored family and friends to tears, and been for a test drive in a brand new one.

    Now I'm seriously thinking about settling down and taking the plunge.

    As far as I can tell it would be best for me to get a 1.3? (Actually my boyfriend says he's refuse to get in the smaller engine, which I think is a little prejudice!)

    What should I look for if I view a private sale Copen - any tips?

    Thanks in advance! :)
  2. Tringhenge

    Tringhenge Copenworld Pioneer

    Sep 22, 2009
    Erm......not too sure what to suggest.

    From what I have seen/read:

    Check boot for water in the well area, some of the thrid brake lights can leak. But, damp is prob ok as when you open the boot water handily slides into the boot!

    Check the back two corners of the roof for possible scratching from bits inside the boot rubbing on the roof when folded.

    Check all around the arches for possible rust and lift the boot seal and check for rust.

    Those are the bits I have seen/heard are problematic. Otherwise, good luck and I hope you get one soon :)
  3. Rex

    Rex Copenworld Pioneer

    Oct 20, 2009
    Hello and welcome bluesky, (it will be, with that roof down!)

    I suggest the 1.3 is best due to the 6 monthly service interval on the 650cc.

  4. machinehead

    machinehead Copenworld Pioneer

    Sep 22, 2009
    Welcome bluesky...

    Fistly, just buy a Copen, you'll love it.

    The 660cc is quicker that you might think due to the twin turbos. I would probably buy a 1300cc given the choice but I own a 660cc and find it quick enough for open top driving, and very entertaining. Buy either and you'll never look back.

    Problems? Check for rust, leaking boot-mounted brake light, lack of service history (unlikely, but check).

    Can't think of anything else. Build quality is superb. I love mine. Best car I've ever owned.

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2010
  5. copenboy

    copenboy Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 14, 2009
    Pennine Lancashire, UK
    Daihatsu Copen
    Citroen C5
    I've owned a 659cc for over 5 years now and whilst I've tried the 1.3 a couple of times, I certainly prefer the smaller engine. It can more than handle it's own in most driving situations, though you might have to change gear a bit more than you're used to and keep the power on to the red line if you want to make quick progress! I personally love it's more manic power delivery, it seems quicker than the 1.3 even though it definitely isn't, I think it suits the car better. Best way to check is to test drive them both, you'll know before long which you prefer :D

    I guess the downsides to the 659cc engine is mostly down to cost - it costs more to tax, it drinks more fuel, and it requires lots more servicing than the 1.3. And the exhaust note isn't as 'meaty' as the 1.3, though I prefer the turbo's engine noise.

    Either way like the other guys have said, check the boot (look under the plastic retractable thingie for dampness and don't be afraid to lift the carpet up altogether to check for any telltale signs of rust - it's a piece of cake to do this). I'd also check for a properly stamped servicing book if you're buying the 659cc, and again if you're looking at an older one check to see if the sills have been rustproofed (some of the earlier cars didn't have these done properly).

    Let us know how you get on!! :)
  6. Sardine

    Sardine Copenworld Member

    Jan 25, 2010
    Copen only
    Hi bluesky,

    Just get a Copen, both engine sizes are brilliant. Just remember that Copens could be getting rare, boyfriends, on the other hand, can be found everywhere:D:D

    Good luck,

  7. bluesky

    bluesky Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 9, 2010
    Hello again,

    Thanks for all the advice and hellos! I'm pleased to announce that I am now the proud owner of a 1.3 grey Copen (currently unnamed).

    Had a lovely weekend driving around in him - although have been paranoid about every little stone flicked up from the road!

    Can't wait til it gets a little sunnier! Sleet is not welcome!
  8. copenworld

    copenworld Copenworld Founder Staff Member

    Sep 21, 2009
    Auckland, NZ
    Congratulations bluesky, you've made a great choice, and I'm sure you won't regret it.

    Enjoy! :)
  9. Sardine

    Sardine Copenworld Member

    Jan 25, 2010
    Copen only
    Well done Bluesky, a boy I see. I know what you mean about the gravel. Around my way, South London, the roads are so full of potholes its imposiable to avoid them all. Every time we snag one I want to get out and check the wheels.:(

    Have fun:D,

  10. honeyjew

    honeyjew Copenworld Member

    Dec 9, 2009
    I think the grey is a great colour for the Copen - if I had to choose again I think I would definitely go for a grey (I have a silver one). Any little gap in the rain and you get out there with the top down :)
  11. sexybex

    sexybex Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 26, 2010
    South Wales
    Copen Turbo
    hey hey

    congrats on the copen.. ive got a 699cc turbo silver one and i love it. iv d badged her and now everyone now asks what isit. shes getting re maped soon and iv just had a straight thro exhaust put on now she sounds mean lol. i wanted a turbo 1 but parts r super expensive on comparison to a normal car. but i supose theres a price for individuality. i call her my lil marmite car coz u either love them or hate them.......:p
  12. LadyNim

    LadyNim Copenworld Newbie

    Nov 9, 2009
    Sardine - is your Copen silver? I have a silver 04 and live in South London and keep seeing another one - don't know if it's always the same one! Could it be you?

    Last time was on the roundabout near Ikea in Croydon a couple of weeks ago (glam, I know), and I've seen one in Clapham Junction a few times too....

    Couldn't agree more about the potholes in the roads around here. It's like a slalom trying to avoid them.
  13. Sardine

    Sardine Copenworld Member

    Jan 25, 2010
    Copen only
    Hi LadyNim, Yes Cuddles is silver (59) and we were near Ikea Croydon a couple of weeks ago. Not us in Clapham.
    Sorry we missed you, we`re always on the lookout though.
    Could it have been you turning into the Lidl supermarket carpark in Croydon North End at the begining on January? If so Its the car that got us into the Copen.:D:D



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