Good evening to all Copenworld members. Hope I find you all well? Just a quick question which I'm sure someone will know off the top of their head. I'm thinking of changing Buzz's gear knob, and wondered what is the correct thread size of the gear lever please? Thanks for your help. Phill.
A lot of after market ones had a big hole and supplied rubber bungs of different sizes. Thats like the one I have. Its not such a secure fit then a metal thread to metal thread. But the aim isn't to pull it upwards during use so it doesn't need that secure a fixing. Unless you are a heavy handed bloke that pulls on the gear stick like a dog and a rag doll. Mine's not come off in my hand. Nor has the gear knob otherwise M12 x 1.25 is what I read.
I've replaced mine, and it came with a rubber sleeve and screws to secure it. You stick the sleeve over the threaded shaft, pop the gear knob on, and tighten the screws - the hardest for me was getting the allen key to squeeze between the base of the shaft and the metal collar - which added about 1cm to the height. The plus side of having the gear knob slightly higher, for me, was a longer throw - I found the default, screw on knob, to have a short throw which was annoying.
Thanks very much to trustafox and Number6 for your responses to my query. Much appreciated! The knob that I'm looking to buy has a metal M16 thread, and it will be supplied with a metal thread converter which is to suit the individual vehicle. This sounds to me to be a reasonable arrangement. I'll order one with an M12 converter and hopefully get a good solid connection that won't come off in my hand