Future Copen owner form the Netherlands,

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Jbrugge, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Jbrugge

    Jbrugge Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 22, 2016
    Hello All,

    So a short introduction, I’m Jeroen, 32 years old from the Netherlands (Hoogeveen) and finally got the go from the boss (my wife) to get a Copen (Right hand drive with JB-DET).

    I drove a right hand driven Copen a year or 2 ago and I just love the car, great fun to drive. Daihatsu always was a brand that I liked; my first car was a charade sport from 1996. Now own a Sirion 2 as our daily driver and use my bike to go to work :)

    Also a quick question, I have seen a few Copen’s imported from the UK here are they not that loved in the UK? Also I have seen a few now with rust on the rear fenders, and door stills (not sure if this is the correct English for it) are these known weak spots for the Copen?

    Best Regards

  2. Tasman

    Tasman Copenworld Member

    Aug 13, 2010
    Hi Jeroen, welcome to the world of copens! They are loved in the U.K. so I'm surprised that they get exported especially as not many were brought here in the first place! Much has been written about rust on this little car unfortunately, they don't seem to have been well prepped for our climate. Watch out especially for rear arches, rear panel (hidden by the bumper just to make life hard) and also the rear chassis members. My post "one week in out of three" shows some pics which might help.

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