So my 2004 Copen passed its MOT on Friday, only needed 2 tyres as I knew it would. Monday morning outside the house a neighbour reversed right into it in their 4x4 Arggggghhhh I am after a silver passenger side front wing and a radiator grill. I have started trawling through eBay and will start calling sellers as well. Anyone have either for sale in the UK please? Thanks Ceri
maccltd on eBay This seller on eBay has a Copen and has lots of spares. Used him today, was totally helpful - Call and ask for Ajay - he is based in the West Midlands.
From this to this, and special thanks, Bruce (ignore the rain/water streak on the bonnet, it is wet today)
Looks good. Did you fit a new bumper as well or get the other one repaired ? P.S. looks like you need a new number plate. Someone’s scribbled on the existing one
New bumper not needed, bonnet repaired, 2nd hand wing, 2nd hand radiator grill. Hell, yes need a new number plate now!
It was a 4x4 that reversed into mine, too! Only cracked the radiator grille with his tow hitch but I had just got the car up to scratch at no little cost and it was looking superb. I have looked for second-hand grilles today but no responses yet. I can get a new one for £203.30, but when I phoned the guy and told him that he started back-pedalling. Said things like -"I was only going really slowly, if it's that fragile you are being unrealistic keeping it in mint condition" "You could easily have got that in a car park." . "I Could have pulled forward and you would not have known what caused it." . "I don't see why I should be penalised to the tune of £200 for a little bump like that, when it would not have damaged a normal car". So, I have said I will try to look for a cheaper alternative, as I really don't want to go through an insurance company with it's associated hassle. However, if he digs his heels in, I will. Advice, anyone?
I'd say it's straightforward. He made a mistake and he must put you back in the same position as you were before his carelessness. Once you've found out the costs of the repairs - including the labour - you put the figure to him and if he's unwilling to pay himself, you go for his insurance company. I see no reason for you to compromise.
200 quid is not a lot of money. If he were to bump into the LED headlights of a state of the art Mercedes or BMW, it would easily be 2000 quid to fix it. What Barry Copen said
Thanks all, for your responses. I think £200 for any car damage is minimal. If it was me, I'd pay up quick and breathe a sigh of relief that it wasn't worse and I didn't have to make an insurance claim. (Oh, I forgot to say that his wife was guiding him back, so maybe he should get her to pay..). There's no labour, just the cost of the grille. He seems to be implying that I shouldn't bother with such a minor thing. The thing is, I really don't want the hassle just now as I am about to have surgery which will put me out of action for around three weeks. I will sleep on it for a few days.
£200 is a pittance compared to an insurance claim. Particularly if you were in the car at the time as soft tissue injuries can take some time to present
Wish you all the best for your surgery and recovery. I’m only over the border in the Republic of South Yorkshire so I’ll come over and knock 3 shades out of his grill for you. Rambo. (Couldn’t be further from the truth - think Sid Little)