Hello, my name is Adrien I am French I possess a white Copen Pioneer edition with red leather inside. I am on your forum look information on the copen.
That is a very nice looking Copen. Given a choice I would have bought a white Copen, though I've never seen one on the road. How old is the car Adrian, it looks pretty new?
Thank you for the compliment the copen and of 2009 the first owner did not too much pay it attention it has both right wheel rims which are lined(crossed off) and the car was very nasty inside as outside I defused(unsettled) all the inside to wash her(it) suitably and cross(spend) clashes to rub her(it) with products so that it is completed. And maintaining she(it) and sublimate
I don't understand Tonneau ! :-\ It is a rack for have moste place on boot and it's work same top down. Boot open: Half opened: Half opened: Roof confine boot open:
Great place to smuggle canned food! Guess the previous owner did the best to squeeze as much storage space as possible. Not a bad idea at all!
Great for a student that rack. Just fill it up with tins of beans and that's another weeks food taken care of.
I love that rack - I'd like to know how to make and the sizes, etc. I'm not sure it's a good idea to hide your canned food there, though... With the Copen's stiff suspension, I would be worried that something hard might jump off and hit the roof
Thanks a lot for the pictures - Looks like a nice little project for me to attack when I get home I'm sure others will be trying this as well - so thanks for the idea and the plans. Incidentally, I agree - it's a nice looking ride you have there - if it looked bad when you bought it, then you have obviously put in a lot of work to make it look that good
Maybe this helps? [TUTORIEL] Démontage des anneaux d'aérateurs (ac rings) (CopenClub.net, French Copen forum) Andreas