There have been a few sets of LED lights for sale on eBay recently and as they are quite cheap I thought I'd give them a try. Obviously being from Essex I need a bit of bling and am now fully equipped for a night cruising the local sea front
Fitting them with all the wiring hidden away was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be! Now what can I buy next?!?
Clare! They are sooo cool! I want them too!! Do they come on when you open the doors? Or are they separately switched? Just think - even in your carpet slippers (like Old Badger) you can still be wearing your blue suede shoes in the Copen!!
At the moment they are separately switched but MrL promises he will have look at wiring them into the door circuit when he has time. He mumbled something about how I couldn't be trusted to do that bit and I let him off as it was Valentine's Day
Oooo, Clare - they're lurvvvly! Do they come in a range of colours (like the flashing neon 'Copen' sign to stick on the wind deflector)?? Next up: underside neon striplights linked into your sound system so that they change colour like a graphic equalizer and light up the road under the car - Big Woh! The kids that inhabit the MaccyD's car park in Whitehaven with their hoodies, caps, souped-up Corsas and so on would be dead impressed!
Don't all get too carried away Despite the fact I'm from Sarfend they are only there to help me find stuff that I've dropped in the footwell when I get home in the dark Although the cruisers on the seafront would be "well impressed".