Just like to say thanks for letting me sign up to the forum. Have been researching, using this forum, Copens for about 7 months now and finally got what i consider a nice little number i call Silvia. 2006 copen 659cc 62k on the clock.silver ( hence the name silvia ) with red leather interior. Driving her the 150 miles home i had a grin on my face throughout the journey. Even when the exhaust snapped the day after ( rusted completely through) i continued to smile, £145 to replace wasn't breaking my spirits everything else seems to be fine. Other than a little squeek that developed yesterday, did the wd40 on the belt trick and squeek went away so hoping its just a belt replacement rather than a bearing. Am off work next week so plan to strip her down and give her a good rust treatment. So hi all.
Welcome to Copenworld the smile never leaves you. There is lots of information on here to make your life easier if things go wrong!
Hi Cyman! Sounds like you did yourself a great favour, enjoy your Copenship! Did you feel the belt tension? If the belts aren't in need of replacement yet, you might want to try and increase the tension slighly. Which of the three belts is the culprit?
Hi dude I'm new too, only got my little red one on Sunday. It for my girlfriend but I'm going to keep it now. Haha. 2004 63k mechanically sound just a bit scruffy round the edges. Doing all the cosmetic work whenever I have spare time. Couldn't stop smiling when I drove the little beaut back.
Its the belt that runs off the water pump to the power steering pulley, the squeek still hasn't come back yet so i think i am safe to safe its neither the water pump of power steering pump bearings. Is this belt able to have the tension adjusted ?.
Funny I have that little squeak as well is it anything serious it's only periodically but it's there. Is something I need to concerned about?!?!
water pump not easy to change without engine out. Have a look for it. wd40 on quit waiting..good luck. Sometime tired if not changed water after so 5 years or not driving long time .
Quickest way to find out if it's the belt or any of the pumps is to either use a soap bar and hold it to the belt with engine running ( not the best way to keep your fingers in tact if you slip ) or spray an extremely small amount of WD40 onto belt with engine running using the little straw attachment. If the squeek goes it's lets say 85% chance it's the belt if it doesn't go i would say it's 100% one of the pumps on it's way out.