Engine Light & Gear Light D Blinking !

Discussion in 'Problems, Fixes, Tips...' started by Dickens, Jun 16, 2022.

  1. Dickens

    Dickens Copenworld Newbie

    May 18, 2017
    Hong Kong
    Copen 2007
    Start the car without any problem, but drive like few mins suddenly Engine light turn on and normally the gear light was on the gear 1-4, goes to D with Blinking light. The car will slowly move, but if I press more gas, it won't go any faster, but higher revolutions only ! I have to stop restart the car to have the engine light off, but it repeat itself after a while. Anyone has similar problem before ? Please point me to the right direction to fix it ! Thanks !
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022

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