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Does age matter?

Discussion in 'General Chit-Chat' started by Rex, Oct 25, 2009.

Does age matter??

  1. I'm less than 20

    6 vote(s)
  2. I'm 21 (for the Ladies)

    6 vote(s)
  3. I'm between 22 and 30

    25 vote(s)
  4. I'm between 30 and 40

    39 vote(s)
  5. I'm between 40 and 50

    50 vote(s)
  6. I'm between 50 and 60

    63 vote(s)
  7. I'm over 60

    18 vote(s)
  1. Rex

    Rex Copenworld Pioneer

    Oct 20, 2009
    The Wife says this Copen thing must be someting to do with my age:think:

    She could be right (atleast thats what I tell her!) ;)

    So, come on be brave. I've made the ranges generous to save your blushes!
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2013
  2. copenworld

    copenworld Copenworld Founder Staff Member

    Sep 21, 2009
    Auckland, NZ
    Mid-life crisis? What mid-life crisis? ;)

    Interesting poll. I've put it on the front page to encourage replies. :)
  3. Tringhenge

    Tringhenge Copenworld Pioneer

    Sep 22, 2009
    Everyone thinks it is my MLC.

    I've given up pointing out that I have yet to end my first childhood so simpyl cannot be on my second yet :)
  4. Pikachu

    Pikachu Copenworld Pioneer

    Sep 26, 2009
    Cambridge, UK
    Yellow '53 reg Copen!
    Like Tringhenge, I never grew up - my toys just got more expensive.

    I don't think it's so much MLC as the fact that we're at an age where our dependents aren't so much any more and I can work more hours, so we have a bit of spare cash to indulge ourselves on things we've always wanted - Mr P has wanted a Harley Davidson since he was 14!

    I always think of a lovely quote I once read. "We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing."
  5. machinehead

    machinehead Copenworld Pioneer

    Sep 22, 2009
    I try not to worry too much about age.

    I still play in a rock/blues band only now I can afford to buy a better instrument:)

    It seems to me that if you start to think old, you'll become old.

  6. cardiffboy

    cardiffboy Copenworld Newbie

    Mar 8, 2011
    Barry s.wales
    if its a mid life crisis thing at my age iy must be a twilight crisis as im coming to the end lol:D
  7. tunedtimer

    tunedtimer Copenworld Regular

    Mar 5, 2013
    Copen 1.3

    Hallo,everybady i am a copenmaniac..............
  8. PauliePaul

    PauliePaul Copenworld Regular

    Oct 21, 2012
    people who have a MLC tend to buy things like 911's or like an impreza or something that they couldnt afford when they was younger... to me a copen isnt a MLC car :) it just says "im different in a good way and i wont simply run with the pack of corsa's astra's fiesta's ect" you know the usual rubbish thats on the road these days... though the guy i brought the copen from was 68 heh and im 28 :D
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2013
  9. quibbles

    quibbles Copenworld Regular

    Oct 29, 2012
    2008 Copen and an Avensis
    I'm 54 and it's not so much a MLC for me, but rather the fact that I was left a chunk of money in a will, and while I'm being good in saving most of it, I'm indulging myself in something totally unnecessary and fun just for the hell of it. I bought it because I wanted to :D I love it to pieces.
  10. issuefixed

    issuefixed Copenworld Member

    Jul 18, 2011
    Taipei, Taiwan
    Hear hear! My favorite quote: I never grew up - my toys just got more expensive.
  11. ClareL

    ClareL Copenworld Veteran

    Mar 22, 2013
    1.3 2008 Copen
    It's not a mid life crisis, just now if I need a practical car with 5 seats I can use my sons;)
  12. RHD

    RHD Copenworld Member

    Jun 11, 2013
    West Midlands
    Daihatsu Copen
    Saab 9-3
    Cool car club!

    Was thinking of buying the Cappuccino before getting this as we wanted a cool small car, the cappuccino was a little too small! I'm 5'11.
    Took one for a test drive and that was it, totally hooked. We'll be keeping it till we can no longer get in it!
  13. Adam K

    Adam K Copenworld Guru

    Oct 27, 2010
    Worcester, UK
    Nissan Cube Kaizen
    You have a Cappo too! Are you a member on Club Cappo?
    I do miss my old Cappo, I had the Suzuki Sport N1 ecu fitted in mine. It was soooo good.
  14. copencat

    copencat Copenworld Regular

    Jan 14, 2014
    hopefully soon a new grey copen!
    definitely not, for me it is the most practical car.

    I do around 5000-6000 miles a year, so just commuting really and doing the odd trip, I have no drive way at home or at work so need smallest car poss to get into spaces, Im saving up for a house so love the fuel economy, I dont have any kids, my husband hated being in the car as it made him "motion sick", I am 5ft 3 with literally dwarf sized legs so can barely reach the peddles in most cars without kissing the windscreen, in the copen - no problemo! the only time when it hasnt been pratical, I borrowed a friends car for the afternoon to take a double foam topped mattress to the tip, that has been once in 1.5yrs....

    nope not a midlife crisis (im too young anyway - well i hope!!) I chose the most practical car for me and my needs. (got to love the inability to ferry people around, sorry 1 seat available!)

    ...okay I admit now that I have driven one, nothing else has come close to putting a smile on my face almost everytime i drive it....

    yes i bought one without actually ever having driven one... long story
  15. Nathan126

    Nathan126 Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 6, 2013
    Isle of Wight
    Daihatsu Copen 660
    i voted ages ago, i'm 23 and bought it less than three months back. suits me as i am no longer a 'taxi' driver ;) but in all seriousness its what i wanted and a lot of people are jealous :D i renewed my insurance yesterday and it was £346. when i had my seicento at 17 it was £1200 :eek:

    Hi TAF :D
  16. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Interesting about all the MLC talk. Me? Nawww! :p

    Like Quibbles I was lucky enough to have the chance to realise a dream. Guess I've wanted a small sports car since I was about .... 8! Dreams may be put on the back-burner but they're always there. Come my 50s and a little bit of extra disposable income that I don't have to feel guilty about spending on myself and ... wow! I own a Copen. Dream realised! :D
  17. Old Badger

    Old Badger Copenworld Regular

    Jan 24, 2014
    South Croydon
    2004 Copen
    2016 Honda HR-V
    Hi Jules! Is that a grandchild I see in your profile pic?? If so congrats. And Old Badger is suffering from grandparent envy!! I've got 3 grown-up kids and no grandchildren in sight and I'm older than you! Really looking forward to showing the grand kids the Copen!! I expect they'll love it to bits. Number 2 gets married in April so ......fingers crossed :)). So nice that you are realising your childhood dreams and have the time now to indulge them. AND you live in Cumbria! Cool
  18. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Great to hear from you, Old Badger - I have much enjoyed your posts this winter! Yes, we have reached that point in life when we can get away with a touch of eccentricity. Looking back to those childhood days I remember the excitement generated by the frog-eyed Sprite that my sister's boyfriend would arrive in. MGBs, Spitfires, Sunbeam Alpines and so on filled my dreams and I was determined that one day ... one day! ;)

    So the Copen is gonna be massive fun - once I really start to put Neville (and me!) through his paces. Our relationship is in its infancy since we only met :))) in November, so lots of learning ahead.

    Thank you for your family-orientated comments; grandchild ...? Yes. Photo was taken at #2 son's wedding in 2012 (when the Edinburgh bypass was closed for flooding ! :-((). #1 son turned 30 this week (aargh :-(() and their third tiny arrived in January so, yes, we're grandchildified! Like you I'm so looking forward to involving them in enjoying riding in Neville in the years ahead; and as for the Cumbrian backdrop - I'm hoping for the odd stunning location shot this summer if the weather's right. Cumbria's a great playground for him. Thanks again, Badger. :)
  19. Old Badger

    Old Badger Copenworld Regular

    Jan 24, 2014
    South Croydon
    2004 Copen
    2016 Honda HR-V
    Lovely to hear from you Jules. Time to take things a little easier and relax in the Copen and (if you can!) with the grandchildren. Having spent many years with my nose to the grindstone to bring up the family, it's nice to spend a little me time and I'm really enjoying planning the (tasteful) pimping of MLC. I must admit I have a romantic notion of going away with Mrs Badger in the Copen with a leather suitcase on the luggage rack (ideally one like Scooty's). Cumbria sounds like the ideal destination....don't think we've ever been there...roll on summer :):)
  20. JulesAtCumbria

    JulesAtCumbria Copenworld Regular

    Nov 8, 2013
    Cumbria, UK
    2009 (59) Copen
    Ah, Badger, that all sounds lovely. Hope the pimping is going well - see you've dealt with the dials. I'm tempted to leave mine as 'stock' (i.e. lazy and ... lack of readies having spent them on acquiring Neville in the first place, haha!).

    Believe it or not, the weather-meisters are predicitng a stonking summer (ever heard that before? :rolleyes:) so if you and Mrs. Badger ever decide a trip north is in order, you must come and have a jar in our pub :D! Yes, we're shareholders in our village pub - magick!!

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