Wholey confused over retro fit DRL to our Copens. The practical location is on the grill just below the bonnet but this seems to contravene the placement regulations. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&s..._e.pdf&usg=AFQjCNHkdtogbKQzCt72PnHCrR79poFi7Q On the other hand this FOIR says its OK? Placement requirements for retro-fitted Daylight Running Lights (DRL). - a Freedom of Information request to Department for Transport
I'm sure I read somewhere in here about a mod to make the fog lights work with the main lights off. Would that not be a better solution?
I could easily make the fog lights stand alone but its not legal to drive with fog lights on unless its errm... foggy
Hello IMHO The first document is correct. I've seen similar regulations in other countries. I can provide an idea, but no solution: Get flexible LED ones and either bend the into the lower half of the headlamp (like an U) or into the small seam just below the foglights. Furthermore the place beyond the bonnet and above the grill is for reserved moving red lights only (see picture) Regards
The first document is UK government and I suspect its EC based. The question is weither the first document is applicable for retrofitting to pre DRL legislation cars. The second document is a freedom of information request to UK Department of transport about retrofitting to pre DRL cars. And what the hell is that car with night rider lights, is it yours?
Well, Bemused, Neville had his fitted last year and flew through his MOT just fine - no mention of a problem. They're mounted on that bracket that runs behind the grille (I thought it was metal but turns out to be plastic!). Visibility Improvement >10!
Ours were placed behind the grille too, we used led's with a brightness of 6k really really bright head on.
As you say, they are bright and to be honest there's little point in fixing cheap ones that don't do what you want them to do, so I went for a set of Ring BRL0397 lights (about £50 on ebay last year). Let us know how you get on.
I see that most cars are now having day running lights as standard or aftermarket. Why?? Being ex-miltary i always drive with headlights on, therby not needing day running lights. The other issue is that i have passed many people as it goes dark and they have their day running lights on, which are so bright they forget to turn on their normal lights which inlcudes the REAR lights!!
As I understand it, and it's all new to me. DRL are now mandatory on European cars, DRLs give a better spread of light for daytime use compared to the head lamps beam pattern, DRL light pattern is designed to be noticed during daylight, head lamps are designed for driver vission at night, DRLs have statistical evidence of reducing accidents by 10%, DRLs are for daytime use only, if used at night time they must be dimmed circa 50%. There are specific positioning dimensions for DRLs on new vehicles. These dimensions may not necessarily apply to retorfit on cars pre DRL requirement (unsure on this one) There thats all I know on the subject.
Thanks, i have just looked at the info on the AA Website. The main fall down with this, is that people are not turning on their normal lights when it gets dark and therefore they have no rear lights on. This also happens in poor visibility and heavy rain. I have seen some very close misses when vehciles have nearly driven into the back of one with no rear lights on, but with day running lights turned on at the front.
Next up will be legislation for automatic headlights to stop fools driving in the dark with just DRLs
I think that some people just dont pay attention when driving. I also ride a motorbike and my lights are always on!! A lot of new cars have automatic lights and wipers, it shouldnt be hard to automatically turn the lights on when the wipers activate or the light sensor senes dark/dusk. (turning off DRL at the same time)
I think i have taken it slightly off track as this is supposed to be for mods. I wonder if i can get spotlights to mount on the top of the windscreen frame and some neon for below so it looks like a spaceship coming at you (a small spaceship mind you, more like an escape pod)
On the whole I feel no need for DRLs on our two main cars but we have had a few cases where other drivers did not see our Copen when they should have, hence my thoughts on DRLs, maybe it's coincidence or maybe a black Copen.
Waspy is bright yellow ( same as my motorbike) so people SHOULD be able to see him, but it could be good as "belt and braces". How easy are they to wire in?
The ring mentioned above and many others are very easy to wire up. Just look on the ring website, they have there own control module and just three wires, +/-/side light connection. Must sense engine running by alternator pulses I assume. BRL0397 | Aurora Daytime Running Lamps | Accessory Lighting
I like the round, I like the rectangular, I like the round. Bugger, too many choices for a simple blokes head.