Our dashboard lights have all suddenly died, I suspected a blown fuse but looking in the manual there doesn't appear to be one specifically for them, am I missing something perhaps? Thanks, David.
Hm. light for heating knobs are small bulbs, often suddently dead, but easy to change.. check fuse for cigarette lighter. Resources | Copenworld
Hi Welz, thank you for your post. I have just checked the cigarette lighter and it is working OK, however, it did fail a couple of weeks ago (I was using the socket to power a tyre-inflating unit at the time) and I had to replace the fuse for it to get the unit working again, so if the dashboard lights are on the same circuit then maybe the bulbs all blew when that fault occurred. I will try to source some bulbs (V-2 T5 bulbs from what Pierre posted on 16th May 2015) and see if replacing them does the trick. Our Copen is a 2004 model and the postings I've seen about water in the boot and on the floor of the passenger's side are sadly only too familiar, we have had all the carpets taken out of the passenger side as they were constantly saturated.