Hello, The roof had stop during a closure operation a no way to finish it in another way than manual one. Is there a way to "clean" the ECU by pulling off the battery or another solution? Thanks by advance, JL
Hello! Probem was solved I tested the fuse and were OK. I had a little red light and windows worked. So... I had opened central glove box and and hatch at the bottom. Then I pulled on the little string to throttle roof engine, then putted the string in its initial position. It permits me to close properly the roof. So, I disconnected battery and connected back to clean the ECU. And... it works Thanks for your help and hope it can hepl too
Hi,my roof has stopped working will not do anything,red light on constantly. Boot will not open either got fault code 51 and 81, I'm sure the boot stopped working first. Think I have tried everything and would have loved being out in this lovely sunshine. Please if anyone has any ideas for me to try I would be most grateful
Hey Audrey I have exactly the same issue going on with my copen it was working perfectly I went for a two month vacation and when I returned and took out my car it had the roof light on constantly and boot won't open please help me out guys