Came across a small problem when the copen went in for its' MOT, failed on emissions... Turns out that previous owner had the Cat removed and failed to tell us. Apparently it's not required over in N.I.... So, I need to find a replacement Cat. I've searched the net but am struggling so far, any suggestions as where to locate one would be gratefully received...
I've heard good things about Magnaflow. They have dealers all over the UK, if the Daihatsu OEM is a stupid price.
If they are anything like Powerflow exhausts - email three of them. I've found the price can vary wildly, at least for exhausts.
So to wrap this sorry tale up, with a happy-ish ending... I tried the Daihatsu service network and was told that it would be just over £700 for the replacement, but there weren't any in the UK, the dealer suggested I went the scrappie route, umm good idea. Placed my requirements with one of those search type agents that get in touch with 'hundreds' of scrap merchants, to date, still waiting for any sort of result... A local (Bridgwater) tyre and exhaust fitter suggested we bring the car in to see if they could make one up.... and here we get good old 'Rip Off Britain' at it's finest... £1200 just for the cat section! Yeah right... Anyway, ended up getting in touch with a small specialist in Taunton. Took the car down for them to have a look at.... "Yep, no problem, we'll need the car for a morning, £249 all in." Took it in yesterday and within 3 hrs had the job done at the quoted price, RESULT! Of course, the final proof will come tomorrow when it goes for it's re-test... Thanks Neil...
anyone know if the turbo cat is the same, if mounted differently, to the 1.3 cat? I imagine not but.. Carboncool, what cell size cat was it, a 400?
Unfortunately I don't know the answer to either of your questions. That said, when they quoted originally, they called it a 'Sport Cat' so I'm guessing the smallest possible, either way, it passed the emissions test which was what we were after. Give the chap a ring off the link, he's very helpful and a keen/ very interested young man...