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Boot / Roof Dont work

Discussion in 'Problems, Fixes, Tips...' started by Snowman001, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Snowman001

    Snowman001 Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 27, 2013
    Hi All,

    Started thread it seems here. I have been reading all the posts but not sure of the resolutions. I have not used my copen for a few weeks as i was away and then the oil filter burst. Anyway i got that fixed today but the battery had died and needed to be replaced.

    It seems that maybe this caused and issue (based on from posts here) but with a new battery that should have been resolved.

    Currently the red light is on all the time. The top hooks are in a hold position and wont chnage things. The button wont open teh boor nor will the key.

    I manually opene dthe boot but it only opens a little so i cant actually get into it.

    What are my next steps here?

  2. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    If the roof light is on, it usually means that the boot / roof is in failsafe mode.

    Check out the chassis PDFs from the maintenance directory, specifically I5-45 onwards. It has details on how to find out what the error condition is by shorting two OBD pins (the OBD port is in the drivers side foot well, left, just underneath the steering column) as well as the diagnosis and fixing process.
  3. Snowman001

    Snowman001 Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 27, 2013
    I will look at that tonight, thanks sir.
  4. Number6

    Number6 Inactive User

    Apr 25, 2013
    2005 0.7L Copen
    I'm not too sure if a standard OBD-II reader will tell you the codes, but if you have one it's worth a shot.

    The only thing is saves you having to do is short the pins and count the amount of times the warning light flashes.
  5. Snowman001

    Snowman001 Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 27, 2013

    Sounds stupid, how to do short the pins? Connect them together with some wire?!?

    2.The malfunction codes are displayed by flashing the warning lamp located in the heater control when
    the ECUT terminal and E terminal of the diagnostic check connector (installed under the instrument
    panel) are short-circuited and the ignition switch is turned "ON". All the malfunction codes stored are
    displayed repeatedly in numeric order, starting from the small number.

    Do you know what this looks like as i am unsure what i am looking for.
  6. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    Join the pins together with a paperclip.

    Turn the ignition key on.

    The roof light will flash at you.

    Count the flashes!

    They will come at you in pairs of blasts...

    So 2 flashes then 4 = code 24.

    Then a long gap.

    Then the next code in 2 blasts.

    To reset all the fault codes, turn the key off, then on - then when the roof light goes out you press the roof open button about 5 times - about half a second each time. Pressing it resets the roof ecu, pulling it resets the window ecu.

    Here is a list of codes and the pin diagram:- https://www.copenworld.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=16370&postcount=9
  7. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
  8. Snowman001

    Snowman001 Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 27, 2013
    Thats a good guide, will report back for help with the codes tomoro morning for sure!
  9. Your Majesty

    Your Majesty Copenworld Regular

    Nov 16, 2013
    West Midlands
    Copen, no other car.

    Hello Mr Pot, your video is fantastic! - very useful and much appreciated. This kind of "How To" video is what us Copenistas need more of, thanks for taking the trouble to do this :)
  10. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    Please excuse my video manor! It is very difficult to be normal in front of a camera, and to not make to many mistakes, or to look to much like an idiot!!!!
  11. baobab68

    baobab68 Copenworld Member

    May 23, 2014
    Sydney Australia
    Toyota Echo, Copen 0.7L
    "Copenistas" - I'm going to use that.
  12. Snowman001

    Snowman001 Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 27, 2013
    Hi Guys,

    I did all that was in you video and get two error codes, 51 & 81 which almost look to be the same thing. Both are there after the reset.

    So i need to check two wires-to the ECUbut i dont know where its located. looking at page I5-20 does not give me any idears.

    Additionally looking at page to open the boot (which i cant) i am not sure exactly how to do it. My boot latch opens with the emergency latch but that only takes it so far, i cant physiclly raise the boot lid after this.

    On page I5-22 i am looking at two emergency side latches -ut if their under the rood boot lid it wont lift enoughf or me to see them, thoughts?

    4.Pull the side latch emergency cable (blue hook) located
    on both sides of the trunk lid and rotate 90$to prevent the
    cable from turning.
    • Pull both hooks fully.
    • Ensure that the cable is pulled and held.
  13. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    Codes 51 and 81 tend to be caused if the data communication between the ECU's is not occurring, typically due to the pcb/components of the roof ecu are damaged from water ingress. The data pins are labelled as TX and RX.

    You cannot open your boot at the moment because the side latches are holding it down.

    My method to resolve this is to take the parcel shelf out from behind the head rests, then you can reach through into the boot space and pull the two blue toggles - one on each side latch. They are awkward to reach but doable! You literally put you arm through the parcel shelf hole, and feel under the boot lid near the side hinges/latches. The blue toggles are like a ring. Put your finger through the ring and pull.

    Next you will need to lift the boot carpet, unbolt the roof ecu via 2 x 10mm bolts, unplug the 3 connectors then open the metal roof ECU box via the 4 screws and inspect it for water damage.

    That would be my approach with your fault codes.
  14. Snowman001

    Snowman001 Copenworld Newbie

    Oct 27, 2013

    Hi mate,

    You were totally correct on all of this. I am big and clunky so broke my plastic sign between the headrests trying to get the parcel shelf up!

    Anyway got everything up and being honest my boot is dry as anything. The unit also looks totally fine, i have taken some pictures here:


    I blew and tried to clean them but still no chanage. What would next steps be? testing with a working one would be a good start!

    I am conscious that this happened when my battery died, if that could be any sort of issue?

  15. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    So have you reset your fault codes and tried again?

    Make sure you reset both the roof and the window ecu.

    Check the fuse under the dashboard that does the roof system.
  16. Klausanta

    Klausanta Copenworld Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    Renault Megane

    I was told by the Daihatsu mechanic that the codes were only a guide and not an accurate diagnosis as many of the signals to the ECU will be changed or influenced if a sensor is faulty or located in the wrong position.

    On one occasion when my roof would not work, I managed to manually open the roof into a half open/closed position where all of a sudden everything started working when I pressed the button. But be careful as I eventually I got the boot lid totally stuck between an open/closed position and had to take it to the dreaded Kingham’s garage in Croydon which cost me hundreds of pounds and a great deal of stress!

    Despite changing the boot brake light seal, my boot was like a swimming pool (look at my earlier posts with images) but the roof ECU was never damaged by water ingress.

    In my case, the complete left hand side roof hinge/rams/sensor assembly/unit was changed (both sides were purchased second hand from eBay for £180.00) but the boot catch mechanism was still found to be part of the problem as there was corrosion on the electrical pins/connector caused by water collecting in the boot (around the tool kit area where it generally tends to build up).

    Sad to say that the roof caused me so many sleepless nights that after it was repaired (and was eventually working reliably), I sold the Copen as I just had no confidence left in it!

    I have got a great big box of spares that I intend to put up on Copen World for sale when I get some time and these include, a spare metal roof ECU, the Hydraulic roof unit, various boot parts/mechanisms, R/H side roof hinge assembly (and faulty L/H side), rear exhaust section, brand new central locking key fob, locking wheel nuts and standard nuts, alloy wheel with good Bridgestone tyre, brand new brake discs and pads, original oil filter with sump bolts/washers and an official set of Daihatsu Copen workshop manuals.

    All the best

  17. davybfast

    davybfast Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 15, 2014
    boot and roof wont open

    hi guys i am a new member to the copen world

    just bought a nice little yellow copen to do up for my daughter .

    but only opened the roof once and it stuck.

    it turned out there was something in the boot that stopped it from completing

    now the boot wont open.

    i tryed the pull cable in the console under the push button to open the boot

    no joy.

    any help would be great.:-((

    all the best davy.

    2005 copen
  18. davybfast

    davybfast Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 15, 2014
    boot and roof wont open

    hi guys srry if this post is in the wrong place.

    i gave the pull cable a good tug and the boot opend

    just need the top up.

    is there a manual way of putting the top up?
  19. davybfast

    davybfast Copenworld Newbie

    Dec 15, 2014
    boot and roof wont open

    ok got it sorted its all working
  20. threepot

    threepot Copenworld Regular

    Oct 8, 2014
    Copen, Hijet, Celica, and Yaris!
    Take what dealerships and their mechanics say about the Daihatsu Copen roof system with a pinch of salt. They make it sound more complicated than it really is, mostly because it is something they do not truly understand.

    They are mechanics. The roof system is 99% an electronic system. Mechatronics would be a better description.

    I know every wire, every signal condition from every sensor and output. I know how the ecu's actually work, and I have the equipment to actuate and monitor all the inputs and outputs the ecus control/monitor.

    I have fixed a few now, some have already had bills ranging from £300 to £900 from dealerships and various auto electricians who have failed to fix the system.

    If you need a Copen Roof guru - come and bring your copen too me, my contact details are on my website here:- http://www.autofaultfinder.com

    Shameless self promotion over!

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