Boot lid wont close properly! H-E-L-P!!! please Hi all My 54 reg Copen appears to have an intermittant fault the the boot lid not closing properly. Firstly, whenever I open the boot the red roof symbol lights up on the dash... is this normal? What happens is that I lower the lid and push down... sometimes the mechanism works and seals the lid down and other times it will seal at the back, but not around the roof and the latch will just release it back to open again! Just wondering if this is a boot lid alignment issue/ a sensor issue/ an electrical issue, or whatever? I'm a newbie to the forum, so you're advice would be greatly appreciated! All the best!
Boot Lid update... OK, so I've now tried various re-alignments of the boot lid itself, but closing it is still hit and miss. I read as part of a post somewhere here that somebody had problems with the roof control box & causing the boot not to close? I've taken mine apart and all connections look fine. I noticed that when it was disconnected the boot mechanism doesn't work at all. Maybe this unit is faulty?? Has anyone heard this causing boot closing issues??:-(-((
I've had the boot not closing a couple of times. You push it down, but it does not pull down tight - on any side - so I guess this is not the same as your problem. Pressing the boot release button some how resets the system then it always works! I'd love to know what causes the problem - must be a switch or sensor not making. Rex.
apt_copen, this sounds very much like what happened to my boot when we had something too bulky in the space underneath the cover that pulls across. It's also done it when I've tried to close the boot when it's just too full. I wonder if you've got a sensor somewhere that's stuck or that's telling your boot mechanism that this is the case when it isn't?
Boot Lid update... Hi Thanks for the responses. I've tried to eliminate everything... boot lid alignment/ took the latch apart and all looks fine/ luggage cover in or out of position seems to make no difference! Clean all sensors, greased all 3 latches, etc... Some times it will close after 1 attempt, sometimes after 30 attempts... nightmare, haha I've treid it with engine on/ engine off & key out. Tried it after pushing the boot button to try and reset, but no difference. I notice that when you disconnect the metal top roof control box, that the boot mechanism fails to function at all. Thinking maybe it's this, as I believe I've exhausted all other possibilities?? I have noticed with the ignition on position 2 AND the boot open the RED roof light is on continous (not flashing). Can't see if is supposed to do this ion the manual?? Does anyones red roof light button light up when the open the boot lid? Thanks Andrew
Well Andrew, I've try out some combinations and the roof light does not come on in any of them. With the roof up: 1) No key - press boot release - no light 2) Key in 1st position - press boot release - no light 3) Key in 2nd position, engine not running - press boot release - no light 4) Key in 2nd position, engine running - press boot release - no light So you have hit on something. I'll have a play and see if I can find out anything more. I think the point to start is to find out how many sensors are involved with the system and what they do. Rex.
I've had a play for you as well, and my roof light doesn't come on at all either. All I did find was that if my ignition was in position 2 and the boot was open, there was no light; if I then turned the key to position 3 with the boot still open, the roof warning light blinked once ("you are attempting to start the car with the boot open", I suppose) but then went out and stayed out. So yes, as Rex said, it sounds as though you're homing in on the problem!
Boot update... Hi Rex! Thanks for your efforts... appreciated!! All I can think it could be is perhaps one of the pull cables not being adjusted correctly, or one of the magnetic sensors on left & right latch not functioning correctly? The third option refers to the roof control ECU itself being faulty. I've had this apart and all looks intact, but that does mean there's nowt wrong with it?? I can't find adjustment in anything, as the cable's and boot lid mounts have no play, as they're all mounted in pre-drilled holes. Funnily enough, once the boot is close the roof itself opens and closes fine, so I know nothings wrong with the roof itself. Fun & games!
Roof update Thanks both! OK... 3 scenarios. 1. buy a used roof control unit on EBAY 2. let Daihatsu have a look 3. let independant garage have a look What do you think peeps??
Thanks Hi Adam Yep, sounds like a plan. Time to bend over and take what's coming, haha! I will let you know what Daihatsu Diagnose. Thanks all!!
Hum, Yes I also think the dealer is the best bet. If they have the right software to interrogate the system, they should be able to tell you what is the problem. Ask them to give you a quote to fix, then if they tell you what the problem is, you might be able to do the adjustment or buy the parts yourself. Rex.
Hi all... OK. Plot thickens. Refitted the Roof ECU again and the RED light disappears & boot functions perfectly! Goto test the roof and now that doesn't work and throws up the RED light again. No worries though! At least I've got a usable boot!! Gonna save the cash and leave it until the next service is due in the summer and get them to look at it then. Cheers all
Where are you based? Looks like you need to 'borrow' an ECU. Then you could see if it is this unit. Rex.
Roof Hi. Im based in Swindon, Wiltshire, M4 Junction 16. Yes, that would be ideal, if anyone is reletively nearby I can travel to them! Cheers Andrew
I'm M4 J34 - now that's quite a distance. But if nobody is closer, I'm willing for you to try mine. Rex.
Cheers! Cheers Rex! Very generous of you! I'm gonna hold tight for the moment, until the better weather comes and then tinker some more. Cheers! Andrew
Boot Update Right. Last week I decided to stop in at my local Daihatsu service centre. Thay had a look and told me the boot hindges were out of alignment. They showed me how to re-align, and now roof & boot seem to be OK. The boot will act up every now and then, but after another attempt it will rectify itself. Lesson learned