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Bonjour from France

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by CopenMag, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. CopenMag

    CopenMag Copenworld Newbie

    Aug 31, 2013
    Copen 1.3
    Howdy !

    Expecting delivery of a 1.3 Ivory Copen from 2010 next week.
    First (read: short) test-drive was great and the only thing it seemed to miss was a little meaner exhaust sound. nothing too loud, just enough to fit its sporty looks.
    As I couldn't find no 'what to expect when you're expecting a little 1.3 oddity' in the nearby bookstore, I assumed joining copenworld.com was the thing to do.

    After screening quite a large amount of threads and useful information from you guys, now I got a list ready and pretty clear ideas on how I intend to spend money I don't have on things one don't really need.

    About the exhaust mods/upgrades/changes, on the other hand... not so much.
    legamax caught my attention (me likey) but then very little information/videos / sound clips on exhausts and technicals (700 vs. 1.3, homemade exhausts/ mods etc) except in japanese... (me and google translate.... not likey so much)

    But still 7 days to go, enough to download all the forum pages and make sure i didn't miss any thread entitled ' :eek: 1.3 copen - DIY: AC COBRA exhaust sound with a cunning use of a paperclip'.
    Anyway, thanks for this nice devoted copen community. hoping to give back when I get the chance.

    Laters and keep it up !
  2. Adam K

    Adam K Copenworld Guru

    Oct 27, 2010
    Worcester, UK
    Nissan Cube Kaizen
    Hi CopenMag, Welcome to Copenworld
    Congratulations on your purchase.
  3. TooCopen

    TooCopen Copenworld Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    Copen 0.7
    Hello CopenMag,
    And welcome on this site, which is a great place to spend time ;)
    I'm french and living in France, 0.7 Silver Copen bought in UK.
    Where are you living ? I'm living south of Paris.
    See you on our roads may be :)
    Hello every body of copenworld ;)
  4. CopenMag

    CopenMag Copenworld Newbie

    Aug 31, 2013
    Copen 1.3
    Hello there & thnx!
    West of Paris (Boulogne) shall be our copen's new home... soon as the dealer is done postponing the delivery date every day.
    Only regret in the meantime was to not give the 0.7 copen a try. Seems like the 1.3 wasn't there long enough to benefit from as many after-market/custom parts extravaganza as your model. but that's the known issue with compulsive buying :p

    keep in touch and talk soon! not quite done reading Adam K's posts and translating DE-forums.

    PS: as for 1.3 Exhausts, seem like (DE) wimmer is among the very few who looked into the 1.3 to provide an OEM alternative, I'll drop them an email if i'm still single-minded about exhaust sound when I actually get to drive the car instead of reading about it. (no much information on prices, everything has to be requested as written here).
  5. sebcal

    sebcal Copenworld Newbie

    Feb 28, 2014
    Copen 1.3
    Hi !
    I'm in France too, and i'd like to find a solution to get a better exhaust sound.
    Did somebody found something ?
  6. Pierre31

    Pierre31 Copenworld Newbie

    Aug 10, 2015
    Daihatsu Copen
    Hi Everyone !

    I'm from France too and I'm a happy owner of a Copen 1.3 since the beginning of summer :)

    See you !
  7. Elb

    Elb Copenworld Newbie

    Nov 1, 2015
    Hi from France too!
    I own a 2007 Copen since a few months and this site seems to be very usefull.
    See you :)

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