Rushmere, I've just read your latest blog. I am deeply impressed that you've pre-ordered the next update to the forum software - I think I speak for us all when I thank you for all the hard work you're putting in on this site. You said you weren't sure if anybody would use the blog facility. Well, I would! I've fancied having a blog for a long time, but finding somewhere friendly and accessible to start one was difficult. I'd have one on Copenworld, though! *applauds*
OK, in that case I'll definitely have a look at the blogging capabilities when the new software is available. I really like the idea of reading blogs from other Copen owners, so it's good to hear that you're interested. I'll let you know when the software arrives if I can get it to work OK! I'm building up an ever-growing list of ideas to add to the site now. Hopefully there'll be lots of new things to see over the coming weeks and months, and I'm really enjoying building copenworld, even if it is consuming lots of time! Hopefully it will continue to attract new people and the community will grow. P.S. I like your new signature. That quote really stuck in my mind when I first read that review
Thanks! It sums up my feelings about my little car quite nicely - I hope you didn't mind me pinching it!